Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Enabling a health tech startup aiming to upgrade systems in the physical therapy space, launch its platform. 
Overview :
Pheal, is a tech startup committed to revolutionizing the landscape of physical therapy. With a clear mission to elevate physiotherapy systems and empower practitioners to redefine patient care, Pheal approached us to craft their name, brand identity, and develop cohesive touchpoints that resonated with their vision. 
Enabling a health tech startup aiming to upgrade systems in the physical therapy space, launch its platform. 
Overview :
Pheal, is a tech startup committed to revolutionizing the landscape of physical therapy. With a clear mission to elevate physiotherapy systems and empower practitioners to redefine patient care, Pheal approached us to craft their name, brand identity, and develop cohesive touchpoints that resonated with their vision. 
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Through close collaboration with the founder, we defined Pheal's purpose, vision, and core values. With a tech-enabled app featuring an exercise video library and digital prescriptions, Pheal aimed to streamline processes for doctors, saving time and enhancing patient understanding and adherence.

We crafted a brand strategy around 'Enabling Better Practices,' serving as a guiding principle for internal alignment and decision-making. This framework ensured that every aspect of Pheal's development, from branding to operations, reflected their commitment to innovation and superior healthcare outcomes.
+ Heal
In crafting the name "Pheal," we sought to encapsulate the very essence of physical therapy – the transformative journey of healing. By blending "physically" and "heal," we arrived at a name that not only phonetically evokes "feel," but also embodies the core mission of the brand.
Drawing inspiration from the healing journey in physiotherapy, we created a brand identity that represents the patient's healing journey as a climb towards recovery. By incorporating ascending steps into the bold typeface of "Pheal," we symbolise progress and the essence of moving forward in the healing process.

Colour played a crucial role in infusing energy and vitality into the brand. We chose a vibrant lime green, which stands out and symbolises growth, renewal, and optimism. This colour adds a sense of positivity and engagement to the brand, enhancing its visual identity.
We also developed a compelling website that showcases Pheal's innovative solutions and highlights their dedication to empowering physiotherapists and enhancing patient care. Focused on a seamless user experience, the website guides visitors through Pheal's unique features and benefits, encouraging app downloads and providing an engaging platform for exploration and understanding of the services offered.
Isha Vora (Lead)
Athen Puthiyangath
Harshita Bhargava
Isha Vora (Lead)
Athen Puthiyangath
Harshita Bhargava
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